Thursday, September 20, 2012

the shoe

It is sad how some of us get so used to being kicked that we cower at the sight of a shoe. Hell, I stopped wearing shoes for a while. I was afraid I'd kick my own butt. Every shoe does not aim to find purchase on your being, just as every opening hand is not there to push and shove. Sometimes those hands are there for embrace and comfort. 
There are times when that kick or shove is needed and is a show of love, even though it is not seen as such by the receiver. Many times the target is so shaken that the anticipation of the kick sends them into an attack frenzy.
Then there are times when we simply imagine the kick coming even when it doesn't ever exist in thought. How do we overcome this fear? Trust, forgiveness, and love are the only keys to freedom.

©Sept 22, 2011 ~ DBC, Duke of the Arctic

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