Sunday, July 27, 2014

Happy 12th Birthday Byron Alexander Cohn

Blood or not, you are my son. I miss you. I love you. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you and wish we were together, but I dare not dwell on that thought or madness will take me to places I wish not to be. I truly understand the constant battle to suppress rage. Dr Bruce Banner has become my study focus. Meditation keeps the Hulk chained deep in my being.
Be safe and take care of your mother, I once truly loved her.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Has My Magic Diminished?


I remember adding my magic to the world and enchanting it, as a child. I bought something in a bag for 25 cents. Looked like glitter, but was promised magic.


Later, on that typical hot evening under the endless skies of Texas, I watched the fireflies...entranced.


I remembered the pouch. I leaned against a tree and chanted my wish, “I seek the language to unite with hope. Belief is reason. One day the Fae will return. I will remember, always. I will enchant the world for peace, everlasting…”


I blew the contents into the breeze. Each metallic mote of color was brought to life with fire by the fading sun.


I witnessed magic. It has always been with me, but never joined the game. I thought it mocked me and left. I failed to realize the significance of experience when on a road to redemption. Humbleness and awe are what makes magic. We are here to share our gift and experience the contributions of others to this existence.


NOTE: Photo was an unexpected internet find. I hope someone can identify the photo artist. Perhaps more photos could invoke further memories. The worldly corruption of faith and honor have numbed by mind and I forget the magic. I am getting old...but still believe...

July 13, 2014 ~ DBC, Duke of the Arctic

NOTE: Photo was an unexpected internet find. I hope someone can identify the photo artist. Perhaps more photos could invoke further memories. The worldly corruption of faith and honor have numbed by mind and I forget the magic some days. I am getting old...but still believe...there are moments...memories...

July 13, 2014 ~ DBC, Duke of the Arctic

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Back to reality...or my perception thereof...

Occasionally, I visit Craigslist to get a laugh.  This post had my native imagination running "hog" wild. I envisioned half drunk rednecks with chainsaws chasing down wild pigs. I actually went to the tool shed to check the working condition of my chainsaw. As I read the post, I realized that the gent needed someone to cut up fallen trees in exchange to hunt. My medieval mind was arrested and cast to the dungeons of reality. No such luck to hunt a wild bore with a screaming chainsaw. Oh well...back to reality...or my perception thereof...

Use your chainsaw to hunt game on a ranch (South Austin)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Birthday, America?

I am saddened by the fact that in 3 days our country will rally to celebrate a freedom that is no longer ours. We gather to eat, drink and be merry to commemorate our winning a freedom from a tyrannical monarchy. Through the years our government has slowly and stealthily morphed into the beast we so fear that we uprooted ourselves from our mother countries and pressed the natives of this beautiful country into small reservations.
We know that there is a legal beast lurking behind every corner. It has devoured the elegant Lady Justice and left the taste of blood and fear on the tongues of the masses.
Many have become so afraid of falling prey to the powers that be that they cheer when another is taken. They wipe their brow and sigh, “I have lived to run another day.” So many are terrified of the government that should fear the people. What have we done, other than turn our backs on ourselves and our children? Why should we live in fear? Why should we allow our leaders to constantly divide us by instigated racial tension? All politicians have the same desires, they just label them Democrat or Republican to divide and conquer the masses. I have witnessed it for 40+ years and have discovered it exists through the history of man. They say history repeats itself. That is because we never learn the lesson! It is time to stop the tyrants and return to our roots. Protect your families, respect your friends, be true to your morals, never give up your guns and guard your freedoms!