Monday, April 1, 2013

Psycho Elephant

I am not a sycophant
Or a psycho elephant.
Do not lie to gain favor
Nor claim to be a savior.

I am not a sycophant
Or a castle occupant.
I am, I am what I am
I do not like green eggs and ham.

I am not a sycophant,
Or a witless tyrant.
I will not promise seven feet
Or indulge in self deceit.

I am not a sycophant
Or a dreamland merchant.
Say what I mean, all that’s said
Not words to enlarge your head.

© March 13, 2013 ~ DBC, Duke of the Arctic


  1. I like the honesty of this.... and of course that you were able to work Doctor Seuss into the mix. :)

  2. Thanks. I was going to string it out with more Seuss, but figured it might get tedious for the reader.
