As the evening breeze carries dreams into the ethereal, I am left thinking of you.
You are far away, and the thought of you is all I hold this evening. I
cherish this as if this thought my last breath, as a king that has only
his most valuable gem to represent his realm, as if a dancer lifted on
high with the shout of “encore!” at final curtain.
The haunting
memory of your kiss echoes thru my soul, and reminds me of the depth of
our love. Its wisps reach throughout this great expanse in its entirety,
and slowly ease into every crevasse of our existence as if a fog
engulfing a valley. In doing so, it stirs the sacred rites and ancient
ideals of the fires of passion. I relive caressing your beautiful face
with my eyes closed to insure a memory and solidify your
features in my mind and heart. Tonight the air is like canvass and my
fingers a feather-brush that creates one memory at a time until all that
is before me is your face. But this is not yet enough to quell my
The tingle in my spirit, as I remember your touch, inspires
me to reach deeper into the night. I step to the edge and prepare for
the fall. I remember the first fall, the first kiss, the first dance. I
remember each moment. My being was caressed with your breath as you
quietly whispered *♪ ♫ *♪ ♫ *I love you*♪ ♫ *♪ ♫ *
The flutter of my
heart, as I hear the words you softly spoke so long ago, grants me
wings and lifts me into the night and carries me to our island of dance.
We are together again.
I love gazing upon your ageless features,
the reflection of starlight in your eyes, the way you fit perfectly into
my arms, the beckoning of your parted lips, and the floral essence
rising from your flawless skin. I'm in trance!
Do you realize how
enchanting you truly are? Walk with me to the mirrored sea and gaze
upon your beauty. Startling, is it not? Truly angelic. You are the
center of all that is harmonic, ethereal, and lovely. Creation perfected
nature within your existence. All exoticness flows from you.
I am now content with my thoughts of you. I have told you all within my heart. Shall we dance, m’lady?
© Dec 23, 2012 ~ DBC, Duke of the Arctic
NOTE: photo is a random internet find
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