Saturday, September 13, 2014

Dream on...

All too often we forget those moments that define serenity. I was reminded this morning by an incident that mirrored such a moment. Last week, I was out driving after a long day. I found an old country road canopied by trees. The evening breeze rattled some of the leaves loose and they did their lazy dance to rest with their kinsmen, ready to be scurried along to the nearby creek and carried to a final resting spot.

Aerosmith softly carried my thoughts to all literature pertaining to life, the forest, and magic. Robin Hood, Merlin, Arthur, The Faerie Queen, John Muir, Walden, Athos, Porthos and Aramis were all dancing in my head. Each leaf represented a thought from another that shaped my literary life.

Peace attained, if only for that moment. And it just re-occurred. Dream on...  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Good evening...

 I am tired. Ready to pass out. Aren't we all? Whether a domestic goddess or a laboring slave to the grind, we all feel the same weary when Luna calls us to rest or become. We are each a genius in our own right. And through that genius, there are some that reach madness. When the subject consumes the student...wisdom is found and intellect dismissed. Today, it appears, they refer to one attaining "enlightenment" as a individual psychosis It does not matter what we "are," it matters who we "become." Let us find our own inner peace and relax. Don't loose a wing. Persevere...