Monday, November 18, 2013


The perfect diamond has no imperfection…
The guiding compass offers flawless direction…
A perfect vase, has not a mar or break…
The flawless verse, offered for love’s gentle sake…
The perfect day ends with a kiss…
A flawless night begins with bliss…
A perfect “this,” is all in the mind…
A flawless “that,” you’ll never find…
Butt no one is perfect, not white or black…
We think we are flawless, but we all have a crack...

© Nov 18, 2013 ~ DBC, Duke of the Arctic

NOTE: photo is random internet find

Sunday, November 10, 2013


When is a stick not just a stick?
When dancing in the hands of a master.

The alphabet attends the poetic dance
as single letters longing for embrace.
The writing stick soon finds rhythms
as the dance of verse begins.

The colors bleed from the rainbow’s end
Upon the canvas created by man.
The drawing stick redefined
in the understanding of one.

The orchestra stands by ready for flight
to carry love’s passion into the night
The rhythm stick sways to and fro
directing the rise and fall of notes.

Or the stick could be the magic sword in the hands of its inspired childhood master…

© Nov 10, 2013 ~ DBC, Duke of the Arctic

NOTE: photo is a random internet find

Monday, November 4, 2013

a little on love

Love may be ignored for a time but it will not be denied. Love is eternal. Love will persist long after all else has dissipated back into the elements. Falling in love for an hour should have the same intensity of a decade's inferno. Hate is just the bitter twisted roots of the once beautiful bloom of love. With enough nourishment, the roots will return to beauty and once again hold the flower firm.